ArcticMonkeys33: damn you
ArcticMonkeys33: this is my 14/14 Valentine Day alone
ArcticMonkeys33: you've prob. had a date since you were 3 on Valentines Day
christhewalrus01: :-)
christhewalrus01: well the honey rode the bus home
christhewalrus01: and no parents were here when i got home...
ArcticMonkeys33: woah!
christhewalrus01: but all she wanted to do was cuddle
christhewalrus01: i was like "this is our chance! ahh"
ArcticMonkeys33: damn!
christhewalrus01: and then she fell asleep
christhewalrus01: so
ArcticMonkeys33: I would die for a cuddle
ArcticMonkeys33: well not really
christhewalrus01: my arm went numb
ArcticMonkeys33: I would kill a man for a cuddle; thats more like it
christhewalrus01: are you implying that you would like to cuddle with a man?
ArcticMonkeys33: NO!
ArcticMonkeys33: A woman; not you
ArcticMonkeys33: and not a fugly woman
christhewalrus01: hahaha
ArcticMonkeys33: a woman of my choosing...
christhewalrus01: fat chicks?
ArcticMonkeys33: they gotta pay
ArcticMonkeys33: but no
christhewalrus01: ahahaha
christhewalrus01:'re choices are either fat..or unibrows and facial hair
ArcticMonkeys33: i'm keeping my streak of being single on valentines day alive! If i get a girlfriend by next year ill dump her before V-day so i can keep the streak going
BxFRED 10: =l
BxFRED 10: hahah
BxFRED 10: thats mean
ArcticMonkeys33: no; its for the record!
ArcticMonkeys33: THE RECORD!
ArcticMonkeys33: see the smart guys break up with girls around these days: Valentines Day, Christmas, and their Birthday because less gifts mean more $ for the guy
BxFRED 10: omg. thats not right
BxFRED 10: at all
ArcticMonkeys33: or is it so right its wrong?
ArcticMonkeys33: your right its just wrong
BxFRED 10: haha
BxFRED 10: it is
BxFRED 10: and really mean
ArcticMonkeys33: yes; I would never do that
ArcticMonkeys33: BOO!
emm x3 xo: AHHHH!!!!
ArcticMonkeys33: Oh and to a lesser extent happy valentines day even though I don't care how your day went
ArcticMonkeys33: i'm sure it went great without a hitch
emm x3 xo: hahah happy valentines day to you too
ArcticMonkeys33: yes; yet it wasn't so happy
emm x3 xo: awwwe why
ArcticMonkeys33: well actually it was great since my streak is still going strong! 14/14 Valentines Day alone which goes with my record of 15/15 years alone unless I get a date in 3 days
emm x3 xo: awwe poor tt
ArcticMonkeys33: no i'm not poor; I made 25 bucks today
ArcticMonkeys33: I only had to waste about 2 hours of my life shoveling! well more like 3 since I had to shovel my house about 4 times
emm x3 xo: awwe
ArcticMonkeys33: no that is a "Way to go TT; now you have money for the date you won't get!"; hah its fun making fun of myself; its so easy!
emm x3 xo: hahah tt.. no need to make fun of yourself :-)
ArcticMonkeys33: Oh yes there is a need; Since i've been out of things to talk about to you since 7th grade and this is the only way we can talk!
emm x3 xo: haha okayy
ArcticMonkeys33: like Oh My GAWD
emm x3 xo: OmGsH. Tt Is FrEaKiN aWeSoMe!
ArcticMonkeys33: don't lie
emm x3 xo: cHyEh. No LiE!
ArcticMonkeys33: Well i'll lie; Katie is the coolest and prettiest girl in the world
ArcticMonkeys33: now you can take out the lie part; and you can tell people I called you the coolest and prettiest girl in the world!
emm x3 xo: hahah
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